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Home Place Hardwoods  Native Hardwood Lumber from Edgewood, Iowa

Hickory Lumber   Carya ovata & Carya cordiformis

We have two types of Hickory in our woods - Shagbark and Bitternut.   If Abraham Lincoln were a tree, he'd be a Shagbark - tough, patient, dignified, with beautiful shaggy bark which provides great habitat for insects and bats.  (oops, the analogy is falling apart!) Anyway, this tree is tremendous - makes beautiful lumber, is great for wildlife, is beautiful to look at all year round.  

At the other end of the spectrum, Bitternut Hickory grows like a weed, but in it's headlong rush to succeed, it ignores long-term health, leaving itself succeptible to disease and decay.  Despite impressive growth achievements, it's vigorous exterior is a virtual comb-over, hiding it's rotten core.  

Strangely enough, the lumber from the two trees can be hard to tell apart.   

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Item #32

This is a series of 6 boards sawn sequentially from the same log.  The log had a narrow "Y" at the top, I sawed the boards parallel to the plane of the "Y", in hopes of maximizing the beautiful grain which you sometimes find at forks like this.  As it turns out, sometimes you also find a huge crack in your boards from forks like this.  Oops.    There is some nice wood in these boards, you man need your imagination to find a use for them. 

Length 52"   Width  7 1/2"   Thickness  7/8"-15/16"

Price  $ 70

Item #66

Bookmatched pair of Hickory boards

Length  68"   Width  6 1/4"   Thickness  11/16 

Price  $ 15

Item #68

Bucket - o - Hickory    Since there's nothing desperately wrong with these boards, I don't have much to say about them.    :  (

Length  61"   Width  4 1/2" - 6 1/2"   Thickness  15/16"  

Price  $ 80

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